Terraria Fan Ideas Wiki

The Blood Sprayer is a Nightmare Mode sword that is a direct improvement to the Soul Slayer. It is crafted with the extremely rare Sacrificial Blood. When swung, it fires a red, translucent beam that splits into 3 blood spheres that drift of for a few seconds before exploding.


  • 118 Damage (Melee)
  • 6% Critical Hit Chance
  • Average Knockback
  • Fast Speed


Crafting Station
Illusory Forge
Ingredient(s) Amount

Necrobeam Staff (1)

Soul Slayer 1

Sacrificial Blood

Sacrificial Blood 3
Blood Sprayer
Blood Sprayer 1

Notes & Trivia[]

  • ItzXenos or Wii-boyU, if you decide to make the sprite, it should be a red version of the Soul Slayer with blood drops dripping from the blade.